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Saturday, July 11, 2020


NOTE: The following article is a recount of my experience with covid-19 as a patient. The idea behind this is to share the experience and throw some light such that the apprehensions and doubts of people are sorted to some extent. This is an honest attempt at that and was arrived at after a lot of persuasion and encouragement of friends and well wishers.

Day 1: I have been blessed in a way that I have never complained of HEADACHE ( many do joke : no head , no headache). But jokes apart, I have not had headache in 35 years of existence. It was a quiet Saturday evening when I had my first ever headache! And a terrible one too. It was unbearable beyond a point and had to pop in a paracetamol tablet and I slept early thinking it was due to lack of sleep.

Day 2: I woke up fine , that is with no headache. Paracetamol does work I thought. Tried to get off the bed but my lower back did not let me do that. There was excruciating pain . Now what the Hell happened, I thought! Did not want a Sunday spoilt because of backpain. Applied some ointment, hot fomentation , etc  to no avail. Popped in a muscle relaxant. Spent the Sunday lazing on bed with Netflix and chill.

Day 3: Monday morning I woke up with only a niggle in my back. The pain was much lesser , I thought. After lunch on Monday afternoon was when I first coughed , a gentle one. That being the only one till evening. About 4 pm, I felt feverish , very slight rise of temp 99.2 on the thermometer. Associated it to my back pain, ppl do get fever when they have pain. After a couple of hours of sleep, woke up fresh without fever and pain. Both had disappeared. Slept well on Monday night.

Day 4: Tuesday was a busy work day. No symptoms whatsoever

Day 5: Wednesday morning my wife woke up sneezing. She has allergic rhinitis otherwise too. She sneezed till noon which is kind of a routine whenever he gets a allergic attack( or so I thought). I was fine the whole day.  Wednesday night was when she developed fever and my dad had some neck pain, occasional cough and 99.3 temperature. It was raining incessantly ,so may be a seasonal flu (we thought)

Day 6: Thursday morning , I was taking shower when I first noticed that my body wash which has a very strong odor otherwise was barely noticeable. I took a big amount on my palms and kept at my nostrils and to my utter disbelief , I had total anosmia (lack of smell). I then used a lot of perfumes  and sprayed in the air , on the body , on the dress and tried to smell but the sense was missing. My first panic bell rang. Dad and wife continued to have fever the whole day but were otherwise ok . No cough, running nose, body ache, anosmia, throat irritation, throat pain, lack of taste. So none of the covid 19 symptoms other than fever. One more thing about this fever was both never felt feverish except for thermometer readings, there was no pointer. Their body was not hot except very slightly at the forehead but the mercury was at 101/102o.

Day 7: Friday morning, anosmia was status quo. Both dad and wife had quite the same day as Thursday. Fever when checked with thermometer was similar but no other symptoms.

Day 8: Saturday morning, I continued to have anosmia. Their fever would not come down. I said to myself , enough is enough and told both of them lets go get a covid test done. I did not want to further delay in case it turned out to be covid and given my dads age it would be foolish to wait anymore. We went to the designated covid hospital and gave our throat and nasopharyngeal swab. The arrangements at the hospital were just top notch and everyone knew their role and went about it like clockwork. It was really impressive. (for people who are hesitant or reluctant to go to the setup thinking its a govt hospital, trust me, its at par or even better than some of the private hospitals). Report would be available only on Sunday, so it was a long wait; mentally. But miraculously by Saturday evening both my wife and dad were afebrile(fever gone). We thought , it wasn’t covid after all.(hoping).

Day 9 : reports still awaited . after breakfast , we were watching something on tv when the phone rang and the news was broken to me , all 3 were positive. For a moment it feels like someone just pushed u off a mountain but when reality sets in , u need to understand that u need to act fast. U need to get ready and pack things, u need to go for a quarantine. As a healthcare worker , I had the option of home isolation but my wife and dad did not have( rules have changed now and asymptomatic /mildly asymptomatic patients can now avail home isolation if certain prerequisites are fulfilled). Finding a room at a private hospital was quite some task as hospitals were not yet fully prepared to take in covid positive patients. After a lot of deliberation and efforts , we did manage to find a couple of rooms at a convenient hospital both for us and doctors treating us. Intimating district authorities about our decision to opt for private treatment and getting their permission was important. We did it and followed the protocol of getting to the hospital and to the room without exposing others.

Day 10: day 2 at the hospitals , all necessary tests were performed and everything was within normal range , which was a relief. My anosmia persisted. Dad and wife had no fresh symptoms.

Day 11- Day 15: same thing , different day. My anosmia was still total , dad and wife were asymptomatic , we spent the days keeping ourselves busy with one thing or the other.

Day 16 : I was discharged and back home for isolation for another 10 days. They would be discharged in 3 more days i.e on day 10 of the swab.

Day 17-day 19: anosmia continued. They got discharged and continued home isolation.

Day 20 : miraculously enough, I was sensing the smell of the perfumed sanitiser. It was 15 days since my sense of smell had disappeared  and to be able to smell again was a great feeling. Food doesn’t taste all that good if the aroma does not stimulate the olfactory apparatus.

Day 24: today I decided to pen down my experience with covid -19 . stay safe ,stay healthy!

Other important notes:

1.       Covid 19 is not a death sentence. The mortality rate ( no. of people who die after getting the disease) is very low . so do not get depressed or feel shattered just because you turned positive. U are a fighter and u can fight the disease, everyone can. We need to be mentally strong .

2.       Do not let your mind be perturbed by thinking about what others will think (neighbours, friends, employees, employer, public ,tom , dick and harry). Do not bother about anything. Just concentrate on yourself and your loved ones.

3.       Whatsapp and other social media may humiliate you, spread real news/rumors . DO NOT CARE. The news spreads a zillion times faster than the virus itself and in no time one can become VIRAL due to a VIRUS. U need to fight the disease currently, to fight the news there is a lifetime. Just enjoy the creativity of the few who will come up with stories which will make Shakespeare look ordinary, and conspiracy theorists mundane.

4.       A lot of people will call you out of concern/ love/ care/ inquisitiveness / time pass / just for confirming etc. it’s a personal choice to attend calls , reply to  texts but yes it does give u a reality check on who really cares for you.

5.       Quarantine period gives u a lot of time to introspect. Use it accordingly. To each his own. Some find solace in spirituality and reading religious texts. Some with meditation and yoga. Some read books , some just slept their time off.

6.       A lot of people will then send various suggestions. why did u test? Just do home remedies. Well , if I had done that probably I would have been a super spreader given my occupation. Isolating once u are reported positive is different from without being reported. It is not possible to isolate at home for 17 days without a proven disease.

7.       HAPPY HYPOXIA: lot of deaths reported have found this  as a astonishing finding. Without a pulse oximeter it could be dangerous to simply isolate at home. Seen in covid , happy hypoxia is when a persons oxygen levels are so low that they should be experiencing fainting / organ damage but instead they are seemingly well until they collapse eventually. There s a thin line between being brave and stupidity , so arm yourself with facts before demotivating or ridiculing others. ( for people who send such messages)

8.       Eat and drink as much as you want was the dictum. Very few patients have reported diarrhea as a symptom , but otherwise majority have had no Gastrointestinal issues, so eat well. Hydrate well.

9.       Gargling/ steam inhalation/ and a 100 other ‘sureshot’ remedies will be advised by whatsapp covid warriors. Studies have shown no major benefits with many of these but I would not dismiss it totally as well. If one wants let them do it ! i did not. But I know a few people who have burnt their tongue/ throat doing this in excess!

10.   There is no repeat swab at the end of quarantine period . this is because it has been found that viral shedding does not happen / viral load is very low after 7-10 days . swab tests might still be positive as it might show RNA from  dead virus and RT-PCR test which is done picks up RNA of the virus.

11.   And please take medical advise from your physicians before trying any hearsay/whatsapp/ television suggested cures.

12.   Do not spend(waste) a lot of time watching ‘news’ channels which are creating a lot of panic and fear of epic proportions. Deaths have happened but people who have recovered are manifold. And deaths have been noted in people with many co morbid conditions including diabetes, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, cancer pts, etc. So DO NOT PANIC.

13.   Most important aspect which gets neglected very often is the mental health. It is of utmost importance . so please realise this and help those who are in quarantine/ isolation . a simple text or two , a short call goes a long way in making a individual feel good about themselves. Isolation can be taxing on the mind and mentally weak might crumble , so be there for them. That’s the least one can do. Tell them you are with them.

14.   Appreciate the efforts of all healthcare workers who are serving the cause. Doctors , nurses, support staff, canteen staff ,housekeeping , security personnel.

15.   Last but not the least follow all precautions as advised. Wearing of masks, social distancing , avoid going anywhere unless if it is absolutely necessary.

16.   Lets fight the disease , not the patient.




Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing experience. Take care.

Chandrakanth kamath, chennai said...

Very enlightening... thanks a ton.

Pritam Sharma said...

Good write up about ur experience.. Glad ur family recovered without any issues.. Stay safe.

sunil said...

Your experience is truly reassuring and should be read by all. Gives us the confidence to face this head on. Glad you and family sailed through safely

Unknown said...

Very well-penned! Thank you for sharing your experience.

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing your experience. It's been very enlightening and helpful. It's a super duper morale booster too

Namratha said...

Very well written. It is quite reassuring.

Neha said...

Such straightforward notes & practical tips! Thank you so much for sharing your experience with all. Surely sharing this post with my contacts.

anamika said...

Glad you shared your experience 👍

Unknown said...

Thanks for surely provides some assurity against all the wrong fear about corona running around.

Unknown said...

Nicely diaraised and informative which is an education for.the reader and when it is first hand experience adds value and acts a guide . God be with you take care of self and others

Unknown said...

Nicely documented day wise. I liked your last comment about media. They make a sensational issue out of doctors getting positive for covid. It's an occupational hazard for doctors. I'm going to frwd this to many of my friends and family.

SATISH Pai said...

Your personal experience is really important and helpful to everyone who are living with fear of covid. Thanks for sharing.

SATISH Pai said...

Your personal experience is really important and helpful to everyone who are living with fear of covid. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

After reading your Experience,now I am
Very comfortable.Thank you

Unknown said...

We all are together in this, and face it together

Unknown said...

Thank u sir for sharing & guiding us

Bhavesh said...

Thank you so much for sharing, for sure it will help who are paranoid

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing. It’s a great help understanding the subject. (By the way, you have a hidden talent of a writer!)

Kodial Khaber said...

Thanks Dr. Vishwas. You have given us some tips to build our confidence. Devu baren karo.

Unknown said...

Thank you Sir Very informative.

Unknown said...

Very well written Vishwas. Gives a lot of hope to everyone.

Unknown said...

Glad that you are all back home. Well written about the experience. Thank you very much. It gives me immense interest in forwarding your advise to my friends and relatives who are all gluing to TV announcements. Thank you Dr. Vikas

Nagesh said...

The biggest fear of covid-19 is not the virus but the hospital Bills. Govt hospitals will definitely avoid admitting middle class patients and direct them to pvt hospitals which will suck your entire savings and not just stop there but push you to a situation where you may have to seek external financial assistance too and your days after recovery will be nightmarish. Kindly mention about how you faced such situation.

nishitb said...

Dr.Pai, excellent write up! You never made any mention of what medication you underwent. Was it only paracetamol? Shouldn't there be a standard protocol? - NISHIT BALIGA

anil baliga manjeshwar said...

Really...informative..thank you so much..🙏🏻🙏🏻💐

Guruprasad Rai D said...

Vishwas May good health and happiness be closer than you think. Sending healthy vibes in your direction

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing with daily progress report. Very helpful hints. Good advice. Hope that you have not taken medicines during quaretain period ? May God bless you all. (Umeshkamath)

Unknown said...


Satprab said...

Thanks Dr Vishwas you have given me courage to face this battle if it comes to that, pray and hope it does not.

Gopalakrishna Baliga said...

Good informative write up Doc Viswhas. Thanks for the reassurances and giving us your experience.

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing your experience and giving courage to people

sandhya said...

Excellent write up doctor..very informative and educative. Special thanks for sharing your experience which cleared almost all my doubts.

Unknown said...

Thank you doctor for sharing your experience 🙏

Unknown said...

Thank you doctor for sharing your experience 🙏

Unknown said...

Nice to hear you and your family are fine and safe.Brilliant blog.

ratnakar said...

Thanks a lot doc for sharing your genuine first hand experience about Corona virus and realistic tips how to face it boldly. God bless you all medical fraternity.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the very educative write up,it was indeed very enlightening.
Stay blessed.

SPACEINDIAspace for every dream said...

Truly a very good article sharing your real time experience to the public.

Dr nageswari said...

Really informative and good suggestions. Great to share the experience with us courage to face the corona virus....

सई said...

Very nicely described experience. I am Glad that you all recovered well. Felt reassured after reading.

Unknown said...

It's really great..that you have explained your experiences...
Awesome message to the people around by a Health Warrior..

Unknown said...

Dr ..
You and your family are fortunate.

Your briefing will definitely morale

booster for other health are workers

and others.

I do not agree with your observation

about death rate being low.

Even if it is 3 - 4 % , in India , it

is not low. Prevention is better than


Dr Chethan Bhandary

Unknown said...

Dr vishwas hurry that you could write this. I too am a health worker in a prominent job . I have been working since covid. Now this monday few in my centre tested positive. Since then i am at home quarantined. No symptoms. But now i am in fix whether to go.back or stay at home. Very tough decision to make.

Unknown said...

Pla read hurry as happy

Unknown said...

Thank u so much for Good Precotions

Dr. Vipul Sharma said...

Dr. Vishwas u r real fighter and a strong man. I wish u all the best for your future. Give my regards to Chachu and Bhabhi.

SAndy said...

Hi Vishwas, thank you for sharing your experience. This definitely give us the confidence, that's currently lacking amongst most of us to fight this virus. Hope you're recovering well,take care. good luck.

Unknown said...

OMG ! Day 4,you went about ur routine work at hospital ???!!!! The testing done on day 8 should have been done on day 4, or even before, considering the kind of risky environment that you are working in......

We read that more than 58 drs.were tested that we are in community spread stage, I feel its better to isolate ourselves with the smallest symptom in the interest of other fellow beings....

Krithika N said...

This is something that everyone needs to read.! ❤️

sai said...

Thanks for sharing experience & advise

Gowda Saraswath Brahman Chintan Vedika said...

Good... Helping one..

Unknown said...

Very good information & suggestions, great to learn experience from covid 19, Gives every body courage to face this situation - v.p.kini

Unknown said...

Hi Dr vishwas. May I know the hospital you admitted yourself into. Definitely helps us to know this, since it looks like you made an informed decision before choosing the hospital.

kalpana dinesh said...

Thank you doctor for sharing your experience very informative. And made it look less scary too.

Unknown said...

Thank u for your wonderful write up,take care of yourself n family,,v informative...

Vivek Pai Kochikar said...

Very lucidly written and informative first hand account of a traumatic situation well faced. Will go a long Way Some badly-needed illumination On this important topic, and debunking Many misconceptions.

Lisa Miller said...

Impressive story. Thank you for giving hope in a lot of people and sharing positive thoughts.

Krishna Alva, Kannur, Kumbale. said...

Great sharing. Perfect. MoyivatiMo. Thank you boss.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing your experience.

Dr kodlady surendra shetty said...

Your narrative has unveiled a writter in you. Really encouraging for feared lot. Thanks for penning.

Unknown said...

Most aspects very well brought out Mr Pai..

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing your experiences.

Unknown said...

Thank you Doctor for sharing your experience; this will enlighten most of us,who are mislead daily by the free advices thro' WhatsApp !

Unknown said...

Dr Sir very nicely gave us all the information of u r self experience under going COVID 19.We got very good confidence in fighting COVID attack.Also in simple words u r explanation of u r experience is excellent. All the best in future in serving more persons with out any trouble to ur health. God Bless u &,u r fly. Suresh Nayak Sujir.

Unknown said...

Dear Dr Vishwas,Our Heartiest congratulations on your safe arrival Home with Vathika & your beloved father after successfully fighting out the most painful Life threatening health related Battle & documenting your 24 days personal experience supported by Live data, with immense patience & singular focus on Micro and Macro details, besides publishing the same for the benefit of the larger Community.You also remembered & recalled the unconditional services ,un stinted support and help rendered by many people -Doctors, Nurses,para medic staff and many others who stood by you during this Crisis.You deserve to be appreciated for demonstrating such values.This period must have given you adequate time & space for Self Reflections on the past& enriched you with Learnings for Future.I really appreciate your Summation with value based Punch lines in the form of suggestions to manage such predicaments in life.My Dear friend Uppi( Upendra Kamath , your beloved father-law) & Nirmala who took care of your young Child& shouldered other responsibilities @ this critical juncture with immense courage and grit also need to be complimented.May Divinities bless you all with excellent state of health happiness and above all with positive energy levels to Contribute to the Greater Cause.Always Stay blessed, Prayers, Kolkere Ramakrishna Prabhu

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing your valuable experience. and educating the public

Unknown said...

Beautiful and clear explanation of your experience with kovid we as people have to follow the guidelines given by the medical fraternity and the government use mask keep the distance and stay safe at home

Unknown said...

Thank you very much for sharing your kovid experience. I appreciate it. Wish all of you good health. All the best. May God bless.

Unknown said...

Thank you sir, thank you very much.

Unknown said...

Summing up your experience in the article has helped us build up and boost our confidence level to be prepared in case of any contingency. Well written article. You could have named the Hospital you got admitted and the medicines prescribed.

Unknown said...

Just to say thanks is not enough sir,as a responsible citizen you really done your are great.

Unknown said...

Very well written n a very good message at the end,thanks for sharing all your experiences ......

Unknown said...

Thank you doctor, it really boosts the courage to fight the covid

CA H R SHENOY said...

Thank You Dr.Pai. Excellent detailed write up ! Very very helpful ! Will give confidence to whoever reads this. Very methodic step by step explaining your experience. God Bless You !

Unknown said...

U r a fighter..May God keep U always healthy .

Unknown said...

Thank u dr.vishwas pai for sharing u r experience...n giving a clear msg to everyone...

Rahul Kumble said...

Different symptoms, but same experience. Its a mental game this disease more than body. Allow the body to do its job. Keep the mind in check - ours as well as those around us!

Rahul Kumble said...

Naming hospital is ok, but we Indians rush to self medicate too much, so naming meds is a no-no

Unknown said...

Very informative and authenticated experience.God bless you

Lekshmi said...

Very useful information sir at this covid19 pandemic period

Unknown said...

Very informative, encouraging and apt message. Yes placebo effect definitely reduce the effect of any disease. Love and affection of our near and dear ones matters most during any adverse situation.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Very informative and authenticated experience.God bless you and your family

Ganesh Nayak

Unknown said...
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