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Sunday, June 10, 2012


on way to milford sound

Eye lashes protested from separating , they did not want to be traumatized by the light of the dawn this morning, so did the muscles of the body which wanted to lay down undisturbed for some more time. The weather , the calm, the peace, the serenity of the place sent such positive energy through the spine that one would feel like being in the same state of trance for as long as possible. But every fantasy has its  villain and so did this one. The alarm. It was set at 0545 hrs and very religiously it rang breaking our unfinished symphony. We had to get up early because we were expected to be in the foyer of our hotel by 0700 hrs to get into the bus. We performed our morning rituals and had a heavy breakfast and were all set to go when the bus picked us up and we were the first ones to get into the bus . 

we managed to get good seats by default as we were the only people in the bus then. The seating would be important in this journey because this was supposed to be one scenic rendezvous with exhilarating natural beauty. The first 2 seats in the left half of the bus had the privilege of us sitting. The bus then made its way to different hotels and picked all others who were traveling to the same destination.  The co passengers were from diverse backgrounds.. from india, france, Japanese, Korean and a few from UK. Japanese and Koreans were given headphones which could be connected to the port on every seat. And translator would speak in those languages  whereas the majority of us who understand English the driver cum guide would speak. The journey would last 6 hours with one comfort break which in simple words means toilet  stop. The journey was as beautiful as it was promised with landscapes so beautiful and breathtaking with cameras clicking continuously to capture as much as one could. We followed the southern arm of lake wakatipu to lumsden and onward to lake Te Anau. The scenery changed dramatically from tussock covered grasslands to glacier hewn  valleys as we entered the Eglington valley and travelled through the breathtaking man made Homer Tunnel to reach Milford Sound.

Once here we completed security check and booked our lunch on board and waited for our cruise liner . the view of milford sound is better seen than read. Rudyard Kipling    had previously  called it the eighth Wonder of the World. Milford Sound is a long, narrow inlet with steep sides or cliffs, created in a valley carved by glacial activity with water in valley. The weather was just fine luckily for us with the sun just out not too warm not too cold.  The cruise started its journey and we got into the top open deck of the liner. It was so windy that we almost struggled to hang on in there but definitely clicked some nice pics . we then went into the covered portion of the cruise and had our buffet lunch. An awesome array of buffet options laid in  front of us ranging from prawns to mussels to chicken to beef to ham. We ate all that we could and wanted and went to the front deck of the liner. Luck was on our side again as we saw lots of dolphins and seals  . we spent almost 2 hours and on the way back we were taken close to the cole falls . once the liner docked at the miniport we felt we still needed to spend more time on board but it was not possible as we had to get into the bus.
milford sound

We did just that and the bus took us back to queenstown another 6 hour journey . but the time was well spent with  driver entertaining us firstly with a dvd on making of homer tunnel which was interesting and then a movie on life of a whalechaser which was a good watch.we reached our hotel at 730 pm in the evening . we freshened up and went to the city centre to a restaurant called india:once upon a time. Some good Indian food after a long journey was all that was needed to recharge our senses. We crawled back to our hotel and after some washing clothes session retired to the bed satisfied with the day that just passed by……

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