I ve heard right throughout my life people say` oh thats true friendship,thats real friendship` etc etc; and i am still searching for the same. not that i ve not had friends in my life ,had lots of them(as a matter of fact my dad being in a transferable job i ve been in more cities and towns during days of my education,no of schools ) and made a lot of friends during the same journey. but what i failed to understand till date is what is so TRUE or REAL about some friendships??? as a friend i ve done everything an ideal friend should; be it having fun with friends or being with them in their toughest times or helping them when they needed someone or scolding them when they did something wrong and all other things which a person should do to be the IDEAL FRIEND. and at the end of it all what was left of me was a dissapointed individual. I might appear to be a freakish cribbing idiot when i say this but thats what happens when a person who once upon a time was considered by everyone else plus you as your closest and truest friend does not invite you to his wedding or when the friend who used to discuss all her good,bad and ugly things and whom u consider a true friend and more than a friend too suddenly stops doing that... it hurts; more so when there s a third person enquiring why you did not attend your true friends wedding!!! or hows the girl now? are u in contact? so
that brings me back to square one: my quest for TRUE FRIENDSHIP still continues.
idea behind this post: TRUE FRIENDSHIP IS A MYTH...non existent .. its just a complex manipulative and selfish relation between two individuals
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